Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Save time - Drop Dead NOW

I hate that man I love!

A couple of years ago, he had to be taken to the hospital, because his blood sugar and his blood pressure were sky-high. He was throwing up in public places. They kept him overnight after stabilizing him. He's been "seeing" the endocrinologist ever since.

Six months ago, the doctor said his blood pressure was STILL too high, and gave him a second set of pills to take on top of the ones he was already taking.

He took them for about a week.

Today, he saw the doctor again. When he came back, I asked him how it went.

"Great!" he said. "My blood pressure is way down! He still thinks I'm taking that other set of pills!"

"You mean, you didn't TELL him you weren't taking them?" I asked, astonished.

"Of course not!," he replied, equally astonished.

I went away and fumed for a couple of minutes, then decided I'd give it the old college try. Try to get through to him that playing russian roulette with his blood pressure was a bad idea.

"Okay," I said, "let's approach this logically. Somebody calls you up with a computer problem. You ask them if they've done the lastest update. They say yes, they have. But the problem is still happening. In fact, they haven't done the update, but they keep saying they have."

He eyes me suspiciously.

"Well, which problem is easier to diagnose and treat," I then said. "An I-T problem, or the human body?"

Stubbornly, he says, "I don't know".

Stepkid, sitting across the room says, "A computer is easier to fix, Dad!" rolling his eyes.

"There you have it," I say. "Your son is smart enough to know! Okay then, so your blood pressure has dropped. That might be a good thing, and it might be lethal! But you're not giving the doctor the right information! He can't diagnose it, because you won't tell him the truth!"

"Sorry," says hubby, not looking particularly sorry.

So I lost it, and said, "Never mind telling me you're sorry! Phone the GD doctor back and TELL him you haven't been taking the pills! Or else stop wasting everybody's time and DROP DEAD NOW."

Friends of hubby - can any of YOU get through to him? How can such a smart man be such an IDIOT?????!!!!!

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