Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Culture Shock

Okay, today my job was downright funny.

I've been coding the HTML on a web page for a prof at the university where I work. This can sometimes be repetitive, and sometimes challenging, but it's almost never funny.

Today was quite different.

See, the research has something to do with the Inuit. Little kindy-garters way up in (who-knows-how-it's-pronounced)-land. Ice and snow pretty much most of the year, in the dark at least a few months, not much in the way of vegetation...

So I'm busy copying and coding the list of things they're trying to teach these little kids, and one of the items listed is...

St. Patrick's Day.

Okay, I mean, can't you just hear the questions from the wee ones?

"Miss? What's a snake?"

"Miss, if St. Patrick got rid of all the snakes, what did the people eat?"

"Miss, what's a shamrock?"

"Miss, what's green?"

They are also, apparently, learning how to waltz.

In the words of the great Dave Barry: I am not making this up. This is true. And fun.

But I'd sure hate to be the one trying to explain the Irish to the Inuit!

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