Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Twingeing Back, Blocked Ear, and Tingling Fingers

God, it's boring being sick!

I'm not puking over the toilet or lying feverish in bed. I have a sore back. I also have tingling fingers and a blocked ear, but the back took me out of commission. I've been waddling carefully from my bed to the couch and back for two days now.

The first day has been obliterated from memory by the power of the muscle relaxers and painkillers. Like walking on a three-foot thick layer of foam. That day was very soft, and apparently I sat very still. My friend P came over and we watched FOUR episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise. Apparently I didn't move the entire time. P left laughing and shaking his head, that's mostly what I remember.

But as the pain lessens, the boredom grows exponentially. I am not accustomed to all this peace and quiet. When I was at "home", meaning my house where I was married to Hubby and we had his kids and a dog and cat, there was too much going on for me to cope with. Nobody did housework, the hair and dirt and mess was catastrophic. I used my sewing room as a shield, a place to go to where I could lock the door and ignore whatever screaming was going on. I had to get out, had to find a place I could keep clean by myself, a place I could rest.

Now I've got that in spades. And a ticket from the doctor to stay home and enjoy it for a week. Now, I can't lift anything, and sitting is tricky. Lying down is better, standing is ok. I'm in no hurry to run the vacuum cleaner or wash the floors - those sort of movements aren't good for me in my present condition. I have started my laundry, since the machines on loan to me are so small it wouldn't strain Bijou to lift them from the washer to the dryer.

But I can only take so much tv. Even Star Trek! Even The Dog Whisperer! Even Criminal Minds!

And of course, my family and friends are letting me rest. In other words, not calling or emailing me.

It does give me lots of time to wonder WTF is going on with my fingers. Pinky and ring finger of left hand. Tingling and numb. Oh great. Doc gave me a referral to see a neurologist, now it's a matter of waiting for the phone call and hoping the doc was right when he assured me it wasn't Guillain-Barré syndrome, which my grandad had, and I've always feared contracting.

Nevertheless, the sensations are disturbing. I can type, there's no loss of control, just no feeling besides the tingling.

My brain, my personality, are prisoners of my aging body!

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