Friday, May 18, 2012

The Six-Million Dollar Cat

Well, Maggie is home. She's been examined, poked, shaved, x-rayed, ultrasounded, blood-tested, fed intravenously, and boarded for 5 days.

She had an inflammation of the upper intestine.

In a way, it was an answer to prayer, because the initial exams indicated a "mass," meaning cancer. But the ultrasound cleared that up, it was a simple inflammation. Whew!

We don't know for sure why her intestine became inflamed. All we know is that right now, she appears to be doing better.

So she's been given back to us, with special food and instructions to keep her inside at least a few days to limit her feeding and pooping options. (We need to get a sample.)

Bijou is seriously pissed that Maggie has returned. And Maggie, though glad to be here and not in a cage, is seriously pissed that she's not allowed out.

They go for each other's food, of course. Maggie, released from hospital, was looking forward to my homemade food, and stared at me, incredulous, when I only gave her the same c**p she'd been eating all week. And Bijou went after Maggie's food, because it was Maggie's.

Well, it's not cancer. There is a chance we'll have her for some years now. And that she heals up properly and goes on to live a full, fun-filled life.

Remember how I didn't go to Louisiana to visit my dad for 10 years because I couldn't afford to? Well, what I paid today for Maggie's treatment this week added up to more than the trip Daughter and I took three weeks ago. So, am I an idiot, or what? Stupid cat! Or stupid me?

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