Friday, July 11, 2008


So far today, 30¢ is my "take", but this time it's from vaccuming!

"We" went out this week to buy some organizational stuff, and this morning "we" put "our" collection of cables, bits & pieces, wires and other miscellany into one of these containers and (finally) put it away, under a dresser!

Whew! That only took 13 years...

This was in aid of (finally!) being able to pass the vaccum cleaner on that particular side of the bed. In the process, several bits of broken glass, some socks, some "toys", some medication, and thirty cents was recovered.

As you know, I have a "finders keepers" policy in this house. It doesn't apply to guests, I hasten to add! Anything a guest drops here will be faithfully returned... eventually... once we find it.... But stuff one of us drops carelessly to one side becomes the propery of the finder who is cleaning at the time.

(I think I've just figured out what my retirement savings plan is.)

At any rate, I re-discovered a great old song to vaccum by. "Onward! Christian Soldiers."

It made me cringe when I was one, and now makes me cringe even more, with its martial tone, and automatic assumption that "God is on our side." Gives me the heebie-jeebies, in fact, in its original context.

But I love re-purposing songs, and in the context of vaccuming, it's pretty near perfect!

... Marching as to war!...

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