Sunday, December 28, 2008

On Being Gainfully Employed

So, on December 16, my eight-weeks period of Rest (HA!) came to an end. I was back at work.

It was nice to get out of the house. Nice to see the people I work with again. I still remembered how to turn on the computer this time... And they'd saved me a JOB to work on!

A loverly color brochure, with pictures taken specifically for it, and working with C, who is SO SENSIBLE about cutting text to the minimum...

I'd say my usual things like: "This brochure serves the purpose of a business card. You don't need to show how many credits each program is, just show 'em the exciting bits!"

...And she GOT IT! I love C. She "groks" things.

Everybody liked my weird fold design...

Anyway, there I was, second day back at work, and I get a tap on my shoulder. It was Hubby (who - you guessed it - works in the same building as I do). I looked up at him. "Yes?"

"Can we eat," he said.

I looked at the clock. It was past two o'clock.

"OMG!" I exclaimed. "I didn't even notice it was past feeding time!"

We grabbed our grub from the fridge and headed off to the lounge. The instant I stood up, I felt all rubbery, and realized...

"OMG! I didn't even eat BREAKFAST!"

Now, to some people, this wouldn't be noteworthy. For ME to miss not just one feeding time, but two, and IN A ROW, could be front page news! I haven't attained my "mature" profile by being a picky eater!

Not only that, but my astrological sign is LEO.


Ever seen a hungry lion?

Want to be the guy that feeds the lions at the zoo, and MISS two feeding times, in a row, and try to go in there to feed them? I thought not!

I quipped at my boss, "See what happens when you give me something FUN to do?!"

Ah yes. I'm back at work. And loving it.

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