Sunday, May 2, 2010

Another Reason Not to be a Morning Person!

I got up at 4 this morning. Not worried about it, since I'd gone to bed at 9:30 p.m. last night. I'd just had plenty of sleep, that's all. But I have discovered yet another reason it's not necessarily a good thing to be a morning person.

I mean, here I am, I've had all the coffee I can hold. I've had my shower. Boyfriend has gone off to work (yes, believe me, he KNOWS it's Sunday), cat's been fed, dishwasher and clothes washer are rockin'.

I look at the clock. 7:39.

Guess I can't call anybody.

Let's see, I'd like to call my Cousin to tell her what I bought her son and his fiancée for their wedding gift. She'll be up soon, but since it's Sunday morning, I don't want to call too early.

I could talk to Daughter. Oh wait a minute, she and her Boyfriend don't have the kids this weekend. Hmm. Better wait till later. Much later.

I want to call my Dad today. But he's in Louisiana - an hour behind us. Several hours to wait before calling him.

I've been working up to calling a distant cousin of mine to explain why I haven't called her in 2 years. But she's nearing 80 years old, lives way out in the country and has one phone that is firmly anchored to the wall downstairs by her front door.

And now the clock says... 7:40.

Sheesh! Let's see, my friend K is always up early - oops, she just got married. Best to wait for a work day.

So I wrote a short blog about darning my shirt this morning.



And I know, from having been the recipient of early morning telephone calls for years from my ex's ex, that "night owls" do not appreciate a sunny phone call waking them up, so no calling Hubby...

Still 7:53.

There is a definite drawback to being a morning person! No wonder they all go out jogging! Hell, I could give myself a blooming pedicure and be done before it was a decent hour to call!

Guess I'll run the vacuum.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Morning is the perfect time for yourself! So take that walk - mow the lawn - dust the house - read a book. I recommend the walk most of all!


PS. Thanks for not calling. :)