Saturday, February 18, 2017

Progris Riport

I am writing to report on my progress in the field of archery.

There has been some!

When I first started learning, I complained (loudly and often - as I am wont to do!) that my ample bosom got in the way of the string. The very polite men in the class wisely said nothing, except my teacher, who perforce was compelled to respond to my complaints. He said something about an "open stance," a way of standing wherein the string would be less likely to bisect my boob. 

I ignored the advice, of course, as I do most advice, and am please to report that after a few months I simply improved enough that now the string doesn't come anywhere near the girls.

I've also received my first official token: a White Arrow. That indicates my standing. I'm not entirely sure how good that is, but I do know it's not the bottom, and that makes me happy!

I've gone from an 80cm target down to a 40cm target, and once or twice per 90-minute session I manage to lob an arrow into the middle of it! That makes me very happy! Occasionally, I even manage a "grouping:" which is when all three arrows land close together. A grouping means the archer is being consistent. And being consistent is everything!

I have had one consistent problem though - I'm always off to the left. All right, all right, enough with the "out in left field" or "I guess you really are a socialist" jokes! But seriously, I'm hitting consistently in the correct height to hit the bullseye, only I'm hitting to the left of it.

And I adjust my sight over and over, and I keep hitting to the left.

Today, in desperation, I thought I'd hit on the brightest idea yet - get Genius Archer Boyfriend to use my bow! See, he's been bugging me about being consistent and about my release till I'm absolutely sick of hearing about it. Today I got the bright idea - let Boyfriend fire the bow! If HE hits to the left, then I could go "Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!" and say "See! I TOLD you something was wrong with the bow!"

I got a dirty look from Boyfriend, but he dutifully shot off 6 arrows. Two went left, but four were squarely in the center.

Sigh. I guess it must be my release.

Or something.

However, as a final note about something I'm doing consistently...I used to only use the same three arrows over and over. Whenever I'd switch arrows, I'd shoot wild. I'd demonstrate this to Boyfriend or to the teacher or to anyone who would watch. But today, I switched arrows with absolutely no change in my result.

I still shot to the left. In the same place as the other arrows I'd been using.

So at least I'm consistent!

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