Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dissappearing Fibroids

Hello! I didn't croak! I'm alive!


Apparently, my surgergy wasn't worth the paper the doctor wrote on, and definitely not worth the blood tests, ECG, laundering costs for the hospital gown & sheets, time off work, or parking money, either!

We have a case of mysterious disappearance: seven fibroids that lost their way.

Allow me to explain. There I was, sent by my GP to hunt for the "slow leak" causing my anemia. They THOUGHT they found fibroids, big ones, and lots of them, at the first hospital. I was there, I saw the wormy-shaped things on the monitor, the technician said to me "I think we've found the leak", she took LOTS of pictures...

So I ended up at my gyno's office, ready to have him scrape me out. He took another ultrasound, and hubby and I both saw it - or rather, didn't see it - nothing. Nada. No fibroids.

We were full of questions. And yesterday was the surgery designed to find out, and take out. So apparently, he scraped a little bit off one side, and a little bit off the other side, no fibroids in evidence, fini.

So now I'm recovering, taking advantage of all the pity my friends, family and acquaintances can scrape up, feet up, as Hubby would say "in my favourite position". Wondering what the heck this all means!

Meanwhile, Stepkid was on the phone this morning with her friend, looking out our kitchen window, and saying "So like, there's the WORLD'S CUTEST little squirrels here! They're playing! They're rolling down the tree! Rolling. Ya! Oh, they're SO CUTE!"

So hubby, meanwhile, came up from behind her, looked out, and said "They're fornicating, dear. That's where little squirrels come from!"


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