Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Well, what are ya gonna do?

My stepmom is in the hospital in Louisiana, and her insurance is about to run out. My dad's a mess. My passport is stalled, and besides, I have no money for the trip. I'll have to find it, but it'll just add to the already crushing debt load...

We have carpenter ants in the house. We've apparently had them for some time. Like, about twenty years. We're going to have to fumigate. Or rebuild. Whatever. It'll add to the already crushing debt load.

The collection agency called again last week. I'm not calling them back. They'll get their money when my employer finally settles. Then I'll pay my business accountant, then file my business 2006 taxes, then the 2007 taxes, then I'll go see my dad, and whatever's left goes back to Sean. If there's anything left. Of course, we'll get stuck paying taxes on this settlement - so that will add to the already crushing debt load.


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