Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

White flour, Sugar, Caffeine, and Alcohol, if you suffer from fibromyalgia. I was reading up on it the other day, on the internet of course. Some doctor urging sufferers to stay away from those four deadly sins.

And yes, they are sins - according to the latest religion to seize the imagination of the masses.


We're so obsessed with health (this year) that one would think we were the first humans ever to consider it's worth. The churches are empty, but the gyms, spas, and eco-groceries are overflowing. Hardly one person in a hundred knows what the issues are when they go to vote, or what goes on during city council meetings, but EVERYBODY knows you have to eat right and exercise, that it's all a part of your self-esteem, that recycling will save the planet, and that automobiles have brought about our doom.

Etc, etc, etc.

From my perspective, life was a lot simpler when you had god and the devil, and good and evil. At least then you didn't have to feel guilty for enjoying your food. You gave thanks, and ate it, and enjoyed it.

Nowadays, we have ads on tv like this one: A woman staggers over to a chair. She can barely move. She's sore because she spent four hours in the gym , to work off a hot fudge sundae. The ad goes on to sell some kind of limited-calorie snack. And it's taken for granted that if we're stupid enough to eat a hot-fudge sundae, we deserve the punishment of a four-hour workout at the gym.

I remember a time, more than 30 years ago, when going to the gym was FUN for the people that did it. These days, it's nothing short of desperation.

I'd been wondering why all my joints were hurting more than usual lately. In point of fact, I've been having less of all of these items than in previous years, but seeing them listed like that still gave me a turn.

"What's left?" was the phrase that leapt immediately to mind.

Oh, lots, of course. Lots and lots of healthy, delicious, and mouth-watering foods. There are plenty of alternatives.

But let's be clear about one thing: they are alternatives.

Substitutes. Knock-offs.

Consolation prizes.

We are each creatures of our own generation's addictions. I managed to skip drugs and tobacco. But sugar and white flour got me at an early age. I take my coffee so strong that it's impossible to drink without cream in it - friends of mine who determinedly drink skim milk have had to put cream in my coffee in order to choke it down. (They all tell me it's delicious.)

Alcohol, well let's just say I've done some time, and leave it at that. I do enjoy a glass of wine, a cold beer, a caesar, and a margarita. And many, many other delicious drinks. Sometimes to excess, most often not.

But my momentary shock at seeing these four things listed by the good doctor put me in a frame of mind I recognized. It was my mother, talking about how she would never, ever, quit smoking. That she loved her smokes, and everyone could go to hell, because if she couldn't smoke and have her Khaluha, what was the point?

In other words, "What's left?"

It's the same sentiment. It's called addiction. Mom was addicted to cigarettes. I'm addicted to white flour, sugar, and caffeine. (I hesitate to say I'm addicted to alcohol - I'm no more addicted to it than 90% of the population. But you get my drift.)

Everywhere we go these days, every day, there's a new food we're not supposed to eat. Red meat. Fish. Carbs. Fat. Even good old milk has come under fire.

It gets to a point where the average person simply can't manage all the information about what they're not supposed to eat. Some of them devote themselves to the endless study of this new religion, others simply backslide and go buy a box of Krispy Kreams. Most of us just buy what we like and hope we don't die too soon, or in too much pain.

What ever happened to the life-giving properties of food?

I believe that food is WONDERFUL! I love food! I think it's delicious!

And if you don't overdose on any one thing, if you eat a bit of everything, you'll probably be all right. Your chances are pretty good.

So, I have NOT eaten my last brownie, or piece of blueberry pie. I will continue to drink my coffee strong, and puts lots of sugar in it and top it with the richest cream I can afford to buy. And alcohol will continue to grace my table. And I'll consume them all wholeheartedly, unreservedly, shamelessly, and enjoy every morsel and drop.

Because the one thing I've never been able to stomach is religion.

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