Saturday, September 19, 2009

Walking the Dog

My puppy-dog, Kira, is visiting me this weekend.

Well, by "puppy-dog", I mean my 13.5 year old dog. People ask what breed she is. She looks like a shepherd, but is the size of a mini collie. Well, a very well-fed miniature collie...

Let's just say, Kira and I both love our food, and leave it there!

When I left Hubby and his alien-DNA-replicants last February, I had to leave Kira there, since I was not permitted to have a dog in my apartment. She did come for one overnight stay, and after that she seemed slightly less depressed.

Kira was MY doggy, you see. She would pace the floor if I was not home, preferring to stare out the window rather than lie in bed with Hubby. I was her Mommy, her pack leader. And she has been heartbroken since I left.

And I decided to ask to have her with me this weekend. The landlord and his wife is away, till October sometime. Kira doesn't bark unless somebody comes to the door, and there is precious little chance of that happening this weekend. My best efforts to scare up some company have fallen flat, as usual.

For my state of mind, it's a darned good thing she could be with me this weekend!

It's different here than in a house. For one thing, the landlady made it so clear that dogs were not allowed in the yard, that I don't even let her pee on this lawn. We walk across the street before I give her permission to let go.

And that means that I have to get dressed for the outside a minimum of four times a day, and physically get up those stairs, and walk at least a couple of hundred yards with her, and scoop all her poops...

I regret to say, I've walked more in the past two days than I did the past two weeks. Ouch!

We walked to the "beauty salon" today - I got her washed and had her nails clipped. It's about twenty blocks away. Twenty big-city blocks. When we finally got home, we both badly needed a nap! And no doubt we'll both be stiff as boards the next time we go outside... two very old dogs!

Bijou is beginning to be able to ignore her - especially now that the sun has gone in. "It's too cold to stay out, therefore, the best must be made of it, that is all."

And Kira has finally relaxed enough to fall asleep across the room from me. At first, she sat ON my feet, to make sure I couldn't go anywhere without her. Now she merely looks up from time to time, to make sure I haven't disappeared.

Yes, we both needed to be close to each other.

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