Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Too-Much-Food Diet

Beautiful Daughter has me on a diet.

(Well, thank goodness SOMEONE put me on one!)

There are a few principles with this diet. First, you don't go more than 2 hours without shoving some kind of protein in your mouth. This apparently gets the body to understand that no, you are not starving to death, today or any day, and that it does not need to convert any part of what you are eating into fat.

Second, you eat healthy stuff. Like greens. All kinds of greens. Not as much as you want - waaaaaayyyyyy more than you want!

Complex carbohydrates. They take a lot of calories to digest! And give you practically nothing in return except vitamins.

This morning's breakfast menu read:

3-egg omelet with potato latke
3 eggs, 1/2 cup mushrooms, 1 cup spinach 1/4 onion

1 large potato grated with skin, fried

So I cheated a tiny bit. I mixed some of the beaten eggs in with the potato and added 1 tablespoon of flour and a bit of the onion. I fried it without fat in a non-stick pan and it came out beautifully.
But I think maybe my large potato is a bit larger than Daughter's potatoes! This is a full-size frying pan!

(I did NOT eat the whole thing. I cut it in four and am freezing the other 3 sections.)

Oh, and grating potato first thing in the morning lends a whole new meaning to the phrase "with skin!"
Anyway, omelet was made, and I dutifully set about trying to eat the thing. Dear god, I'm so full I could barf!

I know this is the point of this "diet," but it does seem so counter-intuitive! I cannot move, even to clean up the dishes, because I'm so stuffed, which is why I'm sitting writing a blog while my gorge goes down! Dog and I might even have a waddle, as soon as I can move without throwing up.

I don't know if I'll have enough room in 2 hours for the snack of 5oz of yogurt with 1/2 cup of blueberries!

Apparently this is going to make me lose weight.

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