Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Wrinklies

The Wrinklies: Superbeings of the Aged

These Aged Avengers protect the world… well, they wander it, anyway…Using their amazing superpowers to annoy the innocent and confound evildoers everywhere they go, just going about their business! None of them asked for these powers, they simply lived long enough to obtain them! They are Evolutionaries! And they are inescapable! 
Crochetina: Your granny would be proud! Crochetina spins her webs like spiderman, wrapping her prey up in webs of doilies, with the added superpower of shoving her needles in their eyes! Beware – she has an unlimited supply and travels at lightning speed along her yarns!
The Blank When he enters a room, everybody slowly becomes confused and forgets what they were doing, why they were there, when they’re supposed to leave, where they’re supposed to be next, and how they’re getting from this place to the next – wherever that is!  Beware The Blank – he’ll make you forget everything – right down to who you are!
Ammoniac: This innocent-looking sweet old lady is anything but harmless! When deployed, her superpower is deadly! She walks into the room full of people, and the miasma from her ammonia-filled underwear creeps out into the air…Beware! One whiff of this, and you either run, or you’ll drop like a stone!
These are just a few of the worldwide wonderfolk known as The Wrinklies – and they’re coming for you – sooner than you think!

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