Thursday, March 6, 2008

the travails of aging...

Oh yes, it happens to the best of us... AND the worst of us... Matter of fact, it happens to ALL of us...

We's gettin' old.

My most recent reminders of the countdown timer have been wet panties.

Coughing, sneezing, laughing, slipping on ice: all lead to the same damp conclusion. It's bad enough to flat on one's back - but it's really miserable being wet as well!

And then there's my figure. Although it's getting smaller - EVER so slowly - I'm still what "they" call a BIG GIRL. My size has dropped from double letters to a single one, but it's still a grown-woman's size...

Catching sight of myself in the mirror while dressing this morning, I made a remark in dismay concerning my size, and hubby said "Your cup runneth over?"

Yeah. All three of 'em!


CLoud said...

Too much worry when we are young about growing older. Too much worry when we are old as to how fast or bad we are aging and how we wasted our times as youth.

Not enough time spent enjoying what we have and what we have been able to experience.

enjoy the day

Deb said...

Thank you, friend.